Since Netanyahu is on record as supporting the funding of Hamas, by Qatar, as a way to avoid dealing with the PA and a Palestinian state, why hasn't he been arrested and interrogated?
Given Hamas would just be one more radical group, without that funding, it would seem those responsible for allowing that funding are far more responsible for the events of Oct 7th, than any kid in Gaza.
As for the tribalism, everyone tends to be, in the back of their brains, but it's no longer the Bronze age. The fact is there are centripetal and centrifugal forces in every culture. Much evidenced in the civil conflict in Israel, prior to Oct 7th.
The logical flaw in monotheism is that ideals are not absolutes. Truth, beauty, platonic forms are ideals. The creed, code, heroes, narratives that are the grain of sand at the core of every culture are ideals, not absolutes.
Morality is not an absolute, because if it was, it could not be transgressed, like a temperature below absolute zero. Morality is the ideal, the code that binds and builds a healthy culture. A big part of which, is having healthy relationships with the surrounding cultures, just like one has healthy relationships with other people. When a person thinks they are the most specialist one around, they are called narcissists.
Israel is determined to spiral into that vortex in the middle, the centripetal direction, dragging the rest of the tribe with it.
It's no longer the Bronze Age. Get over it.