Something to consider, about entropy;
Think of a stone dropped in the water. The energy released feeds back through the water, creating ripples. The ripples expand out, as the energy is dissipated, so the ripples subside back to equilibrium, as they expand with the energy.
Which is entropy? The energy radiating out, eventually toward infinity, if we consider the light of galaxies. Or the forms being generated subsiding back to equilibrium?
Conceptually they are opposite directions. Think of a number line, with zero at the center and the positive and negative numbers going to infinity.
The most essential cause put forth by physics is vacuum fluctuation. The balanced, positive/negative energy of the void. So does it keep radiating out, or does it fall back in and cancel out?
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as the forms/matter being created out of all the feedback fall in. Presumably into an information black hole, yet when large objects like stars do actually get sucked in, we can tell, because there is an enormous burst of energy radiating back out.
So if all the energy does radiate back out, don't the forms/fluctuations/information effectively cancel out? Essentially an eye at the center of the storm.
According to current cosmology, the universe is finite, but now they are proposing multiverses, because infinity is a tough idea to totally ignore. So if the universe(s) is/are infinite and there are endless galaxies out there, all radiating energy, any energy lost by one, would be replaced by energy radiating in from surrounding galaxies/universes.
Supposedly one of the observations used to prove the Big Bang theory, is the cosmic background radiation, coming from the very edge of the visible universe and presumably the initial observable energy. Yet should redshift be an optical effect, logical, because it increases with distance in all directions, like a lens, then that background radiation could as well be the light of ever further sources, shifted off the visible spectrum.
Which would certainly explain why it is such a uniform black body, rather than inserting Inflation to patch that particular fact.
So there is no beginning, or end, just this centerpoint of the present, as a fluctuating vacuum.