Sometimes even the scientists engage in magical thinking.
Take the idea of spacetime, as the physical explanation for the math of General Relativity;
As these mobile organisms with a sequential process of perception and a narrative based culture, we think of time as the point of the present, moving past to future, which physics codifies as measures of duration.
The reality is that change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns. Duration is the present, as the events coalesce and dissolve, future to past.
There is no literal dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
Different clocks can run at different rates simply because they are separate actions. Think metabolism.
So time is an effect, like temperature, pressure, color, sound. Think frequencies and ampitudes.
The three dimensions of space are really just the xyz coordinate system and no more foundational to space than longitude, latitude and altitude are foundational to the biosphere of this planet. Basically a mapping device.
The problem is that physics assumes math to be foundational, but it is only descriptive, not explanatory. Epicycles were brilliant math, as a description of our view of the cosmos, but the crystalline spheres were lousy physics, as explanation.
So be careful tiptoeing up to the line of what is really known, or you might find yourself off over the deep end of magical thinking, when you start making assumptions.