Space is only considered emergent because it can only be defined in terms of what occupies it. What if it is the other way around and what occupies space is expressed in terms that space manifests?
As I pointed out, if we take away the dimensional mapping and the activities occurring, it leaves infinity and equilibrium as the non-physical properties and conceptual parameters of space. Then what does occupy space, this dynamic referred to as energy and the forms it expresses, do ping back and forth between energy expanding towards infinity and the structures of form centripetally coalescing toward equilibrium.
Presumably black holes are where this structure totally collapses, but what is in them? The idea is some gravitational mass, yet they tend to shoot quasars out the poles, which seem to equal the amount that falls in and quasars are like giant lasers, which are synchronized light waves. So it's a whole lot of energy defined by minimal information. As opposed to all the energy fluctuating across space, including us, that requires a lot of information to describe.
Order versus chaos.
Points as nodes in the network.