Taking Special Relativity at face value, it would seem the frame with the longest ruler and fastest clock would be closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum, the unmoving void of absolute zero.
Given space has no physical boundaries, its other quality would be infinity.
So space is the infinite and the absolute. Equilibrium, if you prefer. Zero to infinity.
What fills space is energy and the various forms it manifests. The most basic being waves.
Since energy is creating and erasing the waves, the energy goes past to future, while the waves go future to past.
Then if we look at galaxies, the energy radiates out, toward infinity, while the waves settle back, toward equilibrium.
Consider that as such, waves have two basic tendencies, either synchronize, which is centripetal, or harmonize, which is centrifugal.
So we have nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems, particles and fields.
Consider that, "entangled particles," are quite logical, if we consider them as synchronized waves.
It's just that when something physically dense and complex encounters a wave, the energy collapses to a point of contact, so the wave becomes a "particle."
There is also a lot of excess gravity that cannot be explained, if gravity is a property of mass, yet gravity is a centripetal effect. What if mass is an effect of gravity and not the other way around? Then all that excess gravity is synchronization further up the spectrum.
At the center of galaxies are black holes, which eject quasars out the poles and quasars are really ginormous lasers. Lasers being synchronized light waves.