Thank you and congratulations on your own efforts.
Personally I'm probably not much help on the application side, as I'm just a lone voice in the wilderness as well.
Technically your proposal looks like it has posssibilities. The fact, though, is that, first, the current system has to finish collapsing, before any alternatives will be seriously considered. Sort of like the big tree has to fall, before the saplings get any sunlight.
Second, how to develop a consensus, when we are talking people, who are inclined to follow the loudest voices, not the most rational ones.
Which is to say I mostly sit back and take the long view. For one thing, you have to have some sense of the context to know where the pieces fit in. I tend to be more metaphysical about how we understand our reality and that's reflected in various of the pieces I've put up on medium. Since I see myself as just seeding ideas out there and trying to develop some feedback, because it helps mainain my own sanity, anyone is free to use any of my ideas in building their own models of how things work.
The one organization that is really pushing what is an economic necessity, banking being a public function, is the Public Banking Institute.
They might also have some good contacts and ideas.
So for me, it's just a day to day thing, as the world crumbles and if I can sow some seeds for the next......