That Charles 1st(if I recall) turned the Treasury over the Rothchilds, as payment for Napoleon War debts, to become the Bank of England, does seem a precipitating event, separating and seconding government to banking/money.
One of my ancestors, Louis McLane, was Jackson's Secretary of the Treasury, during his feuds with the Second Bank of the United States.
Consider as well that Germany lost both the Kaiser and WW1 at the same time, then collapsed back into the rawest form of tribalism, the Aryan Nation, National Socialism. Given that Zionism is advocation for a return to Jewish tribalism, basically turning the clock back 2000 years, they do seem to have similar precepts, as well as resulting consequences. That anything foreign to the group organism sets off its immune response.
Have to say, I'm not a scholar, just read a lot in my limited free time. Having grown up around more horses and cattle than people and avoided formal education with a passion, I see humanity through the filter of nature.
A lot of the complexities are just part of that cycle between simplicity and complexity. Egg-chicken-egg..... Building up and breaking down, expand/consolidate.
The young god, born in the spring....