That east coast of the Mediterranean is the crossroads of humanity. It has a more complex history than any other.
You are not going to find that simple narrative, story, hero, answer. You are just going to have to wait until all the shouting and poseuring has tired itself out.
The Zionists are steeped in that East European culture, where hating on one's neighbor has been raised to a high, or low art form.
Europe is trying to colonize Russia, for the third time in as many centuries. "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result."
The US is in a cultural meltdown, if not economic one, that will only grow worse after the election.
A lot of the more intelligent Israelis are looking to move away. The nutcases left behind are not economically viable, without that outside support, that they are determined to lose. Hopefully the wheels come off the train, before it goes nuclear.
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