That those in power seem determined to break the system will prove useful.
Life is a dance, not a race.
We are mobile organisms, necessitating this sentient interface between body and situation, functioning as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate, yet we ignore the roots and branches tying us in, at our own peril.
As these land dwelling apes, our tactile sensibilities concentrate on the objects, from atoms to individuals, but ignore the world in which they are but crests of waves.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, toward infinity, as structure coalesces in, toward equilibrium. Zero to infinity. Both entropic. Cosmic convection cycles.
Harmonization versus synchronization.
Energy goes past to future, because the patterns it generates rise and fall, future to past. Energy drives the wave, while the fluctuations rise and fall. No tiny strings necessary. No little objects at the foundations.
Consciousness goes past to future, because the perceptions, emotions and thoughts giving it form and density go future to past.
Emotions are the waves building and receding. Thermostat and barometer.
Perceptions and thoughts are the waves cresting. Clock and ruler, frequency and amplitude.
The future is not determined, because the act of determination only occurs as the present. It is just that while energy is cause, the forms generated are effect.
We are only starting to scratch the surface.
As Emerson said, we are but thickened light.