That would be a complex process. Authors like Fritjof Capra, from back in the 70's come to mind.
Here is a good book I found about 20 years ago, that I mistakenly gave away;
I have to say, the internet has been hard on my attention span, as it seems most ideas can be fairly summarized in an essay and get stretched out to book length, because that is the publishing medium. Time and energy are limiting factors, as I still work 6 days a week. As I tell people, it's my retirement, I'm not working 7.
Here an interesting interview from many years ago;
It ties into some of my thoughts on physics;
A lot of it is just outside the box thinking, as my mind just churns around whatever I put into it and all the little voices come up with some strange stuff. As I like to tell people, when you are labor, you sell your body, when you are management, you sell your mind, when you are elite, you sell your soul.