The biological analogies can be taken much further.
Modern economics and bacteria operate on the same infinite growth formula. The problem is when they hit the edge of the petri dish, or the resources.
The advantage of multicellular organisms is being able to sense and navigate their situation.
That culture and civics is about developing social super organisms, government, as the executive and regulatory function, is analogous to the nervous system, while money and banking function as a form of blood and circulation system, presumably distributing value where it is most productive.
As cells within the bodies, we resent government trying to tell us what to do, but love the money, as it feeds our needs.
Consequently we have managed to corral government and made it a public utility, but this has resulted in effective control by the banks. To the extent society don longer understands how to store collective value in strong civic, social and environmental structures and resources, but can only imagine notationally in banks.
As we are linear goal oriented creatures in this cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality, people see money as signal to save and store, while markets need it to circulate. Consequently Econ 101 describes money as both medium of exchange and store of value(as well as price setting mechanism).
Yet blood is a medium, while fat is a store. Try mixing them up and see how long you live.
While we might think of money as a commodity to mine from the economy, like we mine gold from the ground, or bitcoin from computers, it functions as a social contract. Think community tokens.
As such, to store the asset side of the ledger, there has to be a debt to back it.
Ironically, the one thing those flunkies in DC seem to be really, really good at, is running up the public debt that backs much of this private wealth.
That they see fit to go play cowboys and Indians on the other side of the planet with all the money they have to make disappear, in order to borrow more, is a consequence of the only public works project allowed, being the military. The only tool in the tool box.
Unfortunately it is not a good long term investment, but these people do not think long term.
Those pulling the strings have been firing the smart ones that wouldn't do what they are told and hiring dumb ones that would, for so long, it is just children playing with matches and gasoline.
When was the last time you heard of a politician referred to as a statesman?