The concept of one still seems to miss the inherent duality. Even one is either the singular, the node, or it is connectivity, the network.
Everything about life is this relationship between the energies driving us and the forms being expressed. Our gut and heart process the energy, feed the flame, while the nervous system sorts the forms.
Waves are the energy radiating out, as the fluctuations rise and fall. The energy goes onto the future, as the patterns generated recede into the past.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in.
Given our minds focus on the forms and patterns, rather than the processes generating them, we think in terms of order and chaos, signals and noise. Yet seem clueless about the feedback with the process.
The opposite of infinity is the absolute, the void. Implicit in Special Relativity is the equilibrium of the vacuum, as the frame with the fastest clock and longest ruler would be closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum, the unmoving void of absolute zero. as opposed to a frame moving at the speed of light, where both clock and ruler shrink to zero.
With galaxies, the energy radiates out, toward infinity, while the forms coalesce in, toward equilibrium. Both entropic.
We fluctuate in the middle, between everything cancelling out and everything fading out.
Nodes drawing in, as networks extend to infinity.