The events move from the future to the past. The sun rising tomorrow morning is an event that is in the future, but it will be in the past by this time tomorrow.
It is the process generating those events which goes from prior to succeeding events. The energy of the batter swinging at the ball is transferred to the ball flying away and the batter running the bases. Conservation of energy.
The mathematical basis for block time is reducing it to measures of duration and assuming it is analogous to one dimension of space, essentially a line.
Ask yourself what is this state of consciousnesss and what would be its biases and limits.
I would point out one primary aspect is that it manifests as a sequence of perceptions, be they internally or externally sourced.
Logically this is due to the fact that as mobile organisms, we have to move in and navigate our environment, ie, space and thus perceive it. Plants lack this sort of central nervous system that all mobile organisms would seem to possess, so it would seem this detachment from and movement through our environment is correlated with and likely causation of the possession of awareness that is the product of this nervous system.
Another attribute is that it perceives as a process of extracting relatively static frames of information, sort of like a movie camera takes a series of stills. Otherwise it would be a cacophony of light and energy.
So there would be two explicit biases built into this basic description of our conscious experience.
One, that we experience this effect called time as the this flow of events, rather than a constantly changing state, of non-linear feedback loops.
Two, that it appears stable and static, even though there is this effect of activity.
So wouldn't it seem that the biases have actually been incorporated into the scientific model, as both this flow from past events to future ones, codified as measures of duration, which themselves seem static and frozen. As opposed to a physically dynamic reality, mostly consisting of light and radiation flashing around at speeds far beyond our sense of scale, but which do interact and create instances of stable forms.
As I point out, ideal gas laws correlate volume(space) with temperature and pressure, both highly fundamental to our existance, but we don't refer to them as dimensions of space, because it is more our emotions and bodily functions that interact with variations in temperature and pressure, rather than the processing of changing configurations and locations, that is time.
Also consider that "block time" cannot explain why time appears asymmetric, short of entropy, yet as a measure of actions, this asymmetry would be due to inertia. Activity is the expression of energy, which is not static geometry. The earth only turns one direction.
Another argument for "block time" is that events will appear in different order when viewed from different locations, yet this is no more consequential than seeing the moon as it was a moment ago, simultaneous with seeing stars as they were years ago. It is the energy being conserved, not the information/form it expresses. It is the fact this information changes is time.
Also it came as a surprise when Einstein pointed out that different clocks will run at different rates, depending on the proximity of mass, yet the notion that all clocks and the flow of time is universal really only was codified by Newton. The fact is that as separate actions, different clocks all run at their own rates and it was a function of civilization to try and synchronize time keeping. In nature, the body's clock is metabolism and all creatures function at varying rates.
Even with science and fame, when someone says everyone else is mistaken, but they know better, be cautious.