"The idea was to set up “investment zones,” effectively lawless places, where the rule of law and democracy and consent were to be replaced, lock, stock, and barrel, which rule-by-the-highest-bidder."
You mean, like say, the City of London?
Truth is, Brexit was just one more turn of the screw, that is trickle down economics. Which is itself that age old feedback loop of wealth and power being used to accumulate even more wealth and power.
They developed debt jubilees three thousand years ago, as circuit breakers to stop these gran mal seizures and here we are today, stuck in the same doom loops.
Tell those economists that money can't be both medium of exchange and store of value. It is a social contract and accounting device, to enable the economy, not a commodity to mine from it.
Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store. The hallway is a medium, the hall closet is a store. The average five year old can figure it out, but they are not as entitled as economists.
To store the asset side of the ledger, you need a debt to back it. That's why the only function the flunkies, prostitutes, grifters and psychopaths the rich allow to be politicians are good at, is running up the public debt. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
Unfortunately for them, there is no longer any decision making function, so the dynamic has all the strategic aptitude of bacteria racing across a petri dish and we are getting very close to the other side.