The internet is hell on the attention span, but at least medium isn't twitter.
Congrats on getting old enough to die of old age.
Though I see life as like a sentence. The end is just punctuation, what matters is how well you tie the rest of the story together.
I don't take politics or personalities all that seriously. When it's millions of people, it's more physics and biology, than politics and people.
The two basic dynamics are synchronization, which is centripetal and harmonization, which is centrifugal. So there are nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems, particles and fields.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in. Centrifugal and centripetal. As these mobile organisms, we have the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy driving us on, while the central nervous system sorts through the forms and structures. Signals from the noise. Motor and steering.
As the executive and regulatory function, government is analogous to the central nervous system, while money and banking are the equivalent of blood and the circulation system. As both originated through individual initiative, they started as private enterprises, but due to the evident communal needs, government has since largely transitioned into a public utility, but banking remains private.
Which gives banking leverage over government, as politicians can only plan around election cycles. So the banks, having take over, are starting to resemble a metastatic cancer, as the function of banking is to circulate value around the community and without the regulation of government, it has dissolved into pure appetite. Turning everything into money. The medium has become the message. Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store. They are not the same.
Though it is destroying current society, in the long run, the greatest danger to private banking is its own lack of control, as it cooks its own golden goose.
As I've told my daughter over the years, it's all educational. It just takes time.