The logical fallacy of monotheism is that a spiritual absolute would necessarily be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell.
More the new born, than the wise old man. The consciousness seeking knowledge, than any particular form, frame or brand of it. The light shining through the film, than any images on it.
The top down father figure lawgiver and his ten commandments is a bit of a social and political construct, to validate the rules and authority necessary for a functional society.
Good and bad are not a cosmic dual between the forces of righteousness and evil, but the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. What is good for the fox, is bad for the chicken. Yet any society needs some form and code, in order to exist.
Reality is that dichotomy of energy radiating out, as form coalesces in, with all the feedback loops and convection cycles swirling in the middle.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as mass coalesces in. Our bodies are the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems, processing the energy driving us on, along with the nervous system sorting and steering through the forms and information arising from this dynamic. Societies are the organic social and politically liberal energies pushing every seam, along with the conservative civil and cultural forms giving it shape and focus.
The benefit of this ideals based culture is that it drives us to seek the best. The problem with it is that reality is the tension, balance and feedback of opposites. Good, bad. Up, down. On, off. Yes, no. Left, right. Personal, public. Interior, exterior. Liberal, conservative. So when we try to distill the signal from the noise, except in the most simple cases, the result is often the polarities of the opposing extremes sucking the life out of any nuance.
After a 100 thousand years of going forth and multiplying, we are getting close to the edge of the global petri dish and need a more feedback oriented philosophy.
The price we pay to feel, is that much of it is pain. It informs us of our limits.