The nature of structure is inherently centripetal. The synchronization of everything on the same wavelength, pulling together.
Lasers are synchronized light waves.
Yet it is also like a center of gravity. A point that is a function of the forces surrounding it. Like the eye of a storm, or the black hole at the center of a galaxy.
The quasars shooting out the poles are like giant lasers.
Yet when structure breaks down, the light radiates across infinity.
Galaxies are structure coalescing in, as energy radiates out.
So the essence of the node is synchronization, while the essence of the network is harmonization. All the waves rising and falling across infinity.
We are little feedback loops in the middle, stitches between black holes and black body radiation.
It's just that as a country, the United States is like an overgrown teenager, while the countries in the Old World have thousands of years of ups and downs, like rings of a tree, to give them strength.
The bull is power.
The matador is art.