The opposite end of the spectrum from infinity is zero. Equilibrium. The frame with the longest ruler and fastest clock is closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum. The unmoving void. Zero.
Three dimensions are just a mapping device, like longitude, latitude and altitude. The conceptual parameters of space are infinity and equilibrium.
Energy is an amorphous term, so let's just call it light. Which is a bit too specific, which is my I prefer energy.
Consider galaxies; The light radiates out, while structure coalesces in. One apparently toward infinity, while the other seemingly toward equilibrium.
Yet that structure is composed of that energy. Oops, light. What gives?
Supposing here, but what if the primary forms are waves and the default tendency of waves is to synchronize. Which is centripetal. One big wave is more condensed than lots of little waves.
At the center of galaxies are black holes and supposedly anything falling in is lost forever. Yet it seems most structure breaks down and is radiated back out, as light before reaching the edge and anything actually falling in seems to be shot out the poles as quasars. Which are like giant lasers and lasers are synchronized light waves.
As for current cosmology, if intergalactic space were to expand, why doesn't the light crossing it increase proportionally, in order to remain Constant?
Instead two metrics are being derived from the speed and spectrum of the same light. Given it is an expanding space theory, where the expansion is calibrated in terms of light years, rather than a tired light theory, it does seem light speed remains the denominator and we back to the problem of basic doppler effect, given cosmic redshift increases proportional to distance in all directions; Either we are at the center of the universe, or redshift is an optical effect.
One way light does apparently redshift over distance is as multi spectrum packets, as the higher frequencies dissipates faster.
Yet that would mean we are sampling a wave front and the quantification of light is an artifact of its absorption and measurement. A loading, or threshold theory.
In which case, might the James Webb be finding evidence of ever further galaxies?
The issue of Dark Matter would be resolved by mass being the intermediate effects of this relationship, ie. the gravity creates mass, not the other way around.
The issue of Dark Energy would be resolved by this redshifting compounding on itself.
So it's all just between infinity and equilibrium. Synchronization and harmonization.