The price we pay to feel, is that much of it is pain.
The price we pay to think, is that much of it is confusion.
What if the real problem isn't that reality is so much more complex than we could ever imagine, but that it is far simpler than we could possibly imagine?
Consider that galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.
Meanwhile we have the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy driving us on, while the central nervous system sorts though the patterns precipitating out. Motor and steering.
Now think of anything that exists, does energy drive it, while form defines it?
Energy drives the wave, while the fluctuations rise and fall. So the energy goes to the future, while the patterns generated recede into the past.
Consciousness goes past to future, while the thoughts and emotions giving it form go future to past.
Our awareness is just this interface between our body and its environment, so how sure are we of any of the models created?
Right now many of them seem to be collapsing, while the energy radiates away. Do we follow the forms, or the energy? Toward the past, or toward the future?