The problem for the Global North is that if it's going to rule by the law of the jungle, it can't claim mercy when the Alpha dog starts to look weak.
Like when it's bankrupting itself, because worth in this society is based on how much you can suck out, not how much you add.
That's necrotic.
As someone has commented, America is like maggots on a corpse. The democrats are rooting for the maggots and the republicans are rooting for the corpse.
Where is England? Consider that Charles is the legal head of state. Were there, "free and fair elections," there? The reason they have this fake monarchy is to try to hide that the cartel, known as the "City of London," owns and runs everything. They used to have an empire, now they just shuffle the wealth of the worlds most corrupt.
Israel is like someone with an abused childhood and grown up to be exceptionally violent. While they were clever and managed to make a living at it, things have been going sideways in middle age and now it's the barricaded in the house with the hostages stage, looking to suicide by cop, as the eventual total war they seem to want, will leave "the river to the sea" one of the radioactive craters scattered around the planet for the next few centuries.
The problem with monotheism is that ideals are not absolutes. To the Ancients, gods were ideals, metaphors, memes. Part of the process of the evolution of thought. Monotheism equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god.
Remember Israel was a monarchy. The Big Guy Rules. Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. The Greeks were famous for the competition of ideas.
The Greeks had a good metaphorical character, for the whole Chosen schtick; Narcissis. Your grandma might think you are super extra special, but putting it up in marquee lights and all the books is the sort of thing that gets you beat up on the playground. Law of the jungle, remember?
Happy Easter.