The problem is that the causes go much deeper than the present situation. When you look at it directly, yes the details are more clear, but the context is not. Consequently the result is more heat, than light.
Consider that a spiritual absolute would necessarily be the essence of sentience, from which life rises, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which it fell.
The Ancients were not ignorant of monotheism, but as there was little distinction between culture and civics, it equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god.
Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures, as that was how pluralistic, complex societies were conceptualized. Many spirits, many voices, not just one.
The Romans adopted Christianity as the Empire solidified and any remnants of the Republic were cast aside, as a form of branding.
Though it retained vestiges of pantheism, in the Trinity, which came from the seasonal cycling codifed as the Greek year gods. The spring as son reborn, of the sky god and the earth mother. Though the mother was denatured, as the holy ghost, in line with the patriarchial role model.
Even the concept of regeneration had to be obscured, as the Catholic Church took on the role of the eternal institution. At least until Martin Luther tried to do what Jesus had tried with Judaism, push the reset button.
Consequently the default political system for Europe, for the next 1500+ years, was monarchy and feudalism. All about the Big Guy at the top. Divine right of kings.
When the West went back to more decentralized systems of government, it required the separation of church and state, culture and civics.
Though this belief that one's ideals should be absolute continues to shadow most of the ideologies that have arisen since. That singular focus does create enormous short term power.
Possibly though, as this situation continues to fester, people will come to see that unreconstructed tribalism no longer works as well as it did thousands of years ago.