The problem is that we treat money as a commodity, to mine from society, rather than the social contract enabling it.
As goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, circular, feedback generated reality, we see money as the signal to extract and store, while markets need it to circulate.
Econ 101 calls it both medium of exchange and store of value, but one is dynamic, while the other is static. Blood is a medium, fat is a store, roads are a medium, parking lots are a store. The medium has become the message. The tool has become the god.
Since it is a contract, storing the asset requires generating debt to back it. Besides the larger economic centripetal effect of positive feedback drawing the asset to the center and negative feedback pushing the debt to the edges, with no circuit breakers to slow or stop it, government has been enlisted as debtor of last resort. The financial markets could not function, without the government siphoning up trillions in surplus investment monies. The wars are just a burn pit to make it go away, so more can be borrowed. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.