The problem is that you are reacting to the effects, without really understanding the causes of human behavior.
I recently posted an essay, trying to go into these;
But short form; Time, God, Money.
We view time backwards. As mobile organisms, we expereince our reality as flashes of perception, in order to navigate, so time is the point of the present, moving past to future, but the reality is change, turning future to past. There is just this present moment and our linear, goal oriented belief systems invariably create blowback. The reality is that thermodynamic rules. Feedback.
God; a spiritual absolute would necessarily be that essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, form which we fell, but since we have this monist idealism, in a more binary world, we try finding one side of every issue to coalesce around, rather than seeing the larger cycles. Such as either everything is public, with communism, or everything is private, with neoliberal capitalism, rather than seeing both sides of the coin are necessary.
Money. Money is a contract, that we treat as a commodity, because we experience it as quantified hope. As a contract, one side is an asset and the other is a debt, so in order to save the asset, we need similar amounts of debt. For one thing, this creates a centripetal effect, as positive feedback draws the asset tot he center, while negative feedback pushes the debt to the edges. As finance functions as the circulation mechanism of the whole community, this is like the heart telling the hands and feet they don’t need so much blood and should work harder for what they do get. The Ancients used debt jubilees to reset this dynamic, but we don’t have as long term a vision, in our fast paced, polarized world.
I could go on, but work beckons.