The problem of ethics is that good and bad are assumed to be some cosmic dual between the forces of righteousness and evil, but they are the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of life. Even bacteria sense this attraction/repulsion.
So it is from this basis that all the higher order emotional, ethical and social structures and concepts emerge. Such as respect, responsibility, love, trust, honor, empathy, etc. As well as the negatives, like jealousy, envy, etc.
Yet when we only recognize good versus bad, conflicts quickly become a race to the bottom, of us versus them, good versus bad, white versus black, rather than each side holding to and expecting the other side to hold to more civilized behaviors and treating conflicts as opportunities to further develop and understand how to interact and function, on even higher orders.
We are a consequence of nuance and complexity, so we better practice it. Our continued relationship with the planet demands it.