The problem with approaching it from a political discussion, are the various constituencies who would see their sacred cows threatened. That's why I try to develop it from a physical and conceptual basis first.
For example, the current diversity movement and its socialist and continental philosophic origins, ignores the reason for diversity is to fill every niche and effectively compete for the more favorable ones, not so that everyone gets a participation prize and a free happy meal. Which, if the conceptual basis was biology, would be evident.
Frankly, if you can't even accept the body you were given, let alone the social and economic circumstances, you are not going to make it. The ones who are most successful in life are the ones who work most effectively with that they have, not having temper tantrums over what others have.
Yes, people do cooperate and help each other across broad swathes of the population, but that is because they function as a larger social organism, as an effective survival instinct. The basis of which is collective responsibility, with rights as reward. Not rights as ordained and responsibly as optional. Otherwise it's tragedy of the commons. Those mediums in which we all exist.
If the only thing anyone trusts is the money, not each other, the society is doomed. A healthy society needs to be a healthy network, not just self centered nodes.
I could go on, but, it does seem that a cultural implosion is coming and it will only be when the little buds start pushing up through the ashes, that a different paradigm can arise.