The problem with problem solving is that invariably the causes go much deeper, before the problems become obvious. So when you set out to just solve the problem, you are mostly sticking a band-aid over a necrotic wound.
We are linear, goal oriented organisms in a cyclical, reciprocal, feedback generated reality. After a few hundred thousand years of everything from, "Go forth and multiply," to, "Greed is good," humanity is truly crashing up against the edge of the petri dish.
There is no ideal from which we fell, to which we will return, only the essence from which we rise and to which we will fall back into, until some degree of stability sets in and the process starts over again.
Yet getting people to step back and look at the bigger picture, as the immediate world is crashing down around them, presents a bit of a Catch 22.
Though without that larger understanding, the crash can only be postponed, but which magnifies the consequences. We are caught in our own feedback loop.
Nature will always be a process of creation and destruction. Time is a loop, where the past is consumed to drive and inform the present. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
Organisms, both individual and hive, are a function of synchronizing their clocks, in order to function as one, but it rises and falls as one.
Ecosystems harmonize their activities, so some are always coming, as others are falling, in a larger equilibrium.
To the extent humanity has sought to become one giant hive, it is rising and falling as one enormous wave.
So the question is, how do we slow down and let the rest of the world catch up, rather than running ever faster?