The real question is when does astronomy accept what it is seeing can no longer be shoehorned into the time constraints of the expanding universe model.
After decades of following it, I used to joke the next patch will be the edge of the universe is mirrored. Given the assumption is that Z, essentially the ruler, goes to infinity, the clock goes to zero, it seems that is the solution.
Which totally contradicts the premise of relativistic spacetime, that both ruler and clock dilate equally, so that the speed of light remains Constant. When they go opposite directions, there are two metrics, one based on the speed and one based on the spectrum.
Since it is the same light, which is the denominator and which is the numerator? If the speed were the numerator, it would be a tired light theory, but as this expanding space theory, the speed is still the effective denominator.
It no more adds up, than 1+1=5.