The signals our minds extract from the noise are not necessarily the most logical, but those that most immediately synchronize with our prior models and belief systems. Then we bond to those on similar wavelengths, spiraling down any number of rabbit holes, left, or right.
The essence of the organism and the super organism, is synchronization.
The essence of the ecosystem is harmonization. As all those various nodes radiate out excess energy as they coalesce, or go super nova and just blow it all out, in that larger bath of possibilities.
The problem for the united States was that 80 years ago, much of the population was at most third generation and of those going back further, they had been through a civil war 80 years prior.
So there was this enormous public effort, across all creeds, cultures, colors and classes. The consequence being the military is the one public works project everyone could agree to.
As super organisms, societies evolve forms of government as the nervous system, executive and regulatory. As well as economic mediums of exchange, money and banking, as forms of blood and circulation systems, to balance resources across the entire body.
The big problem is that while we have evolved enough to realize that government should be a public utility, we haven't yet understood the same principle applies to banking, giving banking the upper hand.
Consequently the only real job the flunkies allowed in office have, is running up the public debt the banks need to grow metastatically. "The real money is in bonds." The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
So basically we have a bunch of second rate actors and the main tool in the tool box is this enormous military. So they are out playing cowboys and indians on the other side of the planet, while the country falls apart.
Eventually they will blow up the dollar, so states and regions will start issuing local currencies. When the big tree falls, saplings take its place.
Then foreign policy is between California and Texas, etc. The US goes the way of the USSR.