The strongest argument for capitalism is that it is confused with a market based economy. The strongest argument against capitalism is that it is not about markets, but the bottom line.
Markets need money to circulate. Capitalism sees money as the signal to extract and store. A medium is not a store. Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store.
Consequently capitalism results in an enormous financial bubble, as ever more money has to be injected into the economy and ever more precarious ways are devised to store it. So society and the economy are ravaged by speculators, greed and corruption. Like bacteria on putrid flesh.
That’s why the Fed is supposed to ‘take the punch bowl away, when the party gets going,’ not just pour more vodka in, when it runs low!
Socialism is just the loyal opposition, because it obscures what is going on, not clarifies it.
We are not the first nation to debase its currency, nor will we be the last, as people eventually forget the lessons learned.
Welcome to the reality.