John Brodix Merryman Jr.
3 min readNov 14, 2022


The theory is built around a logical flaw.

Classic doppler effect is caused by the source moving relative to the observer in stable space.

When the train moves away, down the railroad tracks, it doesn't stretch the tracks. The space doesn't expand, only the distance increases.

As they studied this cosmic redshift, it became apparent that it increases relative to distance in all directions.

The idea was the faster, further redshift meant space was expanding faster, earlier in the history of the universe.

Yet because this effect was similar in all directions, it either meant the redshift was an optical effect, or that we happened to be at the center of the universe.

Since the light was not otherwise interfered with, ie. "tired," it didn't seem that there was any optical basis, so the idea became that space itself must be expanding, because spacetime! The presumed physical basis for Einstein's theory of General Relativity.

Which really makes no sense at all, since the underlaying premise of spacetime is that the speed of light is always measured as a constant, in all frames.

The essence of this is that in a moving frame, both clock and ruler dilate/shrink equally, because the velocity of the frame and the motion inside the frame can't exceed C. Since any ruler is a function of the motion of light in the first place.

So if relativistic space were instead to expand, the speed of light would have to increase, in order to remain constant, to the frame. Although that would negate it explaining redshift.

So two metrics are being derived from the same light. One based on the speed and one based on the spectrum.

The question then becomes, which is the numerator and which is the denominator.

If the speed were the numerator, it would be a "tired light" theory, but as an "expanding space" theory, the speed of light is the denominator, still the explicit ruler, the metric against which this expansion is being measured.

Remember how all those distant galaxies are supposed to eventually vanish, as the space expands faster than light can cross it.

So the problem reverts back to classic doppler effect. The speed of light is the train tracks. It doesn't expand. Only the distance increases.

One way light does redshift over distance alone, without needing recession, is as multi spectrum packets, as the higher frequencies dissipate faster.

Yet that would mean we are sampling a wave front, not seeing individual photons, having travelled billions of lightyears. Which raises the issue of whether the quantization of light is fundamental, or merely a function of its absorption and thus measurement.

Not only does that question the premises of Quantum Mechanics, but goes much deeper into the mathematical assumption of reality as fundamentally information, rather than information being an abstraction of deeper dynamics.

Now if it is an optical effect, compounding on itself, this would explain the parabolic curve in the rate, rather than the need for Dark Energy.

As for Dark Matter, possibly we are looking at it backwards and gravity is not so much a property of mass, as mass is an intermediate effect of a centripetal effect that goes from the barest bending of the light, to the vortices at the center of galaxies. Given that all we can really say of gravity is that it is a centripetal effect.

Consider that synchronization is effectively centripetal, so if there is a synchronizing dynamic extending across all wave structures, it would create the stable, intermediate effect our tactile abilities prefer, that we refer to as matter.

As consciousness goes past to future, while the perceptions giving it form go future to past, energy goes past to future, because the patterns/information it generates form and dissolve, future to past.



John Brodix Merryman Jr.
John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Written by John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Having an affair with life. It's complicated.

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