The thing of it is, even parasites need a healthy host and this one is being killed.
As any twenty year old with a credit card knows, debt doesn't matter. Until it does.
At some point people are going to realize, usually long past where it should be obvious, there is no cure, there is only starting over again.
That means going back to square one and figuring out what is happening in the first place.
For example, the difference between capitalism and a market economy, is that markets need money to circulate, while people see it as signal to extract and store. We are linear, goal oriented organisms in a cyclical, circular, feedback driven reality.
Econ 101 says money is both medium of exchange and store of value, but one is dynamic, while the other is static.
Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store. The hallway is a medium, the hall closet is a store. If the average five year old can understand the difference, what are the economists smoking?
Money functions as a social contract and accounting device, enabling large societies to function, so how have we come to see it as a commodity to mine from society?
Well, the philosophic, cultural and technical reasons would at least be an essay, but long story short, the medium has become the message. The tool has become the god.
As a contract, the asset is backed by a debt. Even gold backed currencies are just the reciept. So to store the asset, sufficient debt has to be generated.
Then since the money pulled from the general economy to invest has to be replaced, more is added and the feedback loop eventually builds to a high pitched shriek.
Ask yourself, could the capital markets function, if the government wasn't siphoning up trillions in surplus investment money? Not by a very long shot.
The endless wars are just a way to make it go away, so more can be borrowed. Courtesy of World War 2 as the industrial policy to end the Depression.
That's why they can be so profoundly inept and no one is court martialed, as would happen if they actually mattered.
Not to mention the entire financial system being turned into a casino, to keep all that excess notational value suspended in an enormous financial tumor.
As a medium, money is a public utility, like roads. It's not your picture on it, you don't hold the copyrights and are not responsible for its value, as if it were a personal check.
So we own it like we own the section of road we are using, or the air and water flowing through our bodies.
The fact is that there isn't sufficient investment potential for everyone to individually save what is necessary, but we do save for many of the same reasons, so the viable solution is the commons.
The problem with that, it is requires society to put responsibilties before rights and that is not going to happen. Our god given rights are written into the Constitution and responsibilies are for parents and churches. Or just Uncle Sam to write more checks.
When the US goes the way of the USSR, there will be no core culture, nationality and thousands of years of history to fall back on. Just a couple hundred years of gimme mine now.
Then the various regions and states wil have to start issuing their own currencies and deciding how to structure their governments, if they don't break into oligarchies, cartels and gangs.
The was a time when government was private and now banking is having its own, "Let them eat cake." moment.