The Western assumption of the future in front and the past behind is based on the assumption that we are discrete entities, moving through our context. As opposed to being part of it and seeing events after they occur, before the energy moves onto other configurations.
The energy is conserved, because it is what is present and creates time.
So energy, as process, goes past to future, while the patterns go future to past. In terms of a wave, the energy drives it, while the fluctuations rise and fall.
As consciousness goes past to future, while thoughts go future to past.
Consider that modern physics is premised entirely on the information, yet if energy and information essentially go opposite directions of time, it might explain why their increasingly complex mathematical formulae don't seem to get them to any coherent solution.
Supposedly math is all about the distinctions, but if you add stuff together, you get one of something larger. Like ingredients of a cake= one cake. What 1+1=2 really means, is that if you add two sets of one, you get one set of two.
We have this quantized, atomized, individualized, monetized paradigm and the solution to figuring how it all fits together isn't on the smallest, or the largest scales, it's in our faces.
The networks create the nodes, like crests of waves are emergent from the dynamic, not the basis for it.
Though try pointing out to anyone associated with the sciences that time is change turning future to past and physically similar to temperature, if you want to really get "cancelled."
Epicycles were brilliant math, as description, but the crystalline spheres were lousy physics, as explanation. We still make the same mistake. Math is emergent with the processes it describes.