Theoretical physics has a philosophy problem. The premise of, "shut up and calculate" ignores the problem of GIGO. Garbage in, garbage out. If just one of the axioms on which the model is based is wrong, so is everything else. It is equivalent to epicycles. All the patches only further obscure the problem, they don't solve it.
I can suggest the main one, that as these mobile organisms, necessitating this sequential process of perception, in order to navigate space, we experience time as the point of the present, moving past to future, which physics codifies as measures of duration, rather than change turning future to past. As in tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
In which case, there is no literal dimension of time, because the past, as well as the information manifesting it, is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
Energy, mainfesting the dynamic present, goes past to future, while the information generated goes future to past. Energy drives the wave, causing the fluctuations rise and fall. Quanta are information.
Though it is our gut processing the personal energy, while the brain sorts the information, so there is a mental bias toward patterns over process. Signals over noise generation.
So time is an effect, like temperature, pressure, color, sound. Frequencies and amplitudes. Time is frequency, events are amplitude.
Yet the field of theoretical physics is captured by the magic of math and cannot see it as a map, not the territory.
The field in which math is actually most broadly used in society is accounting and in accounting they understand the math can be used to obscure and obstificate, as well as enlighten. Consequently there is serious oversight and regulation. Accountants can't just write in a figure and call it dark money, when they encounter a problem. They have to go back and tear apart all those assumptions and axioms, to see what is causing the problem, not just patch it over and keep moving.
When the regulation fails, the system eventually fails, but there is a lag, as the sugar rush of delusion doesn't readily and easily return to its box...
Suffice to say, there is much more that could be added, but it is a waste of time, because the field has gone off into its own post empirical reality and anyone daring to question premises isn't welcome to the party.
It will be interesting to see how many more generations of theorists can be convinced to chase after these unicorns, but the reset doesn't appear to be on the horizon and people are willingly gullible, when it comes to the dictates of the crowd.