There are no adults in the room. Either side.
As someone who has both followed the news and tried to make sense of it, since the 70’s, there doesn’t seem to be much in the way of deep thinking about anything.
Reagan openly conspired with the Iranians to hold the hostages, until after the 80 election, but that was completely ignored, because it suited certain interests. We seem to have no problem working with the Russians when it suits our needs, such as with the space program, but when those pulling the strings need a boogey man to distract from all their pocket picking, everyone else just asks ‘how high.’
As Eisenhower said, beware the military, industrial and I would add, banking complex. The rest is just theater.
The future is as often a reaction to the past, as a continuation of it and when this bubble of debt fueled ego, denial and hysteria recedes into the past, those writing the history books are not going to look benevolently on our current situation.