There is a reason why the people leading armies are called generals and specialist is about one rank above private.
Being a good generalist doesn't mean just having an odd assortment of talents, as it is being able to see the big picture and how all those diverse parts work within it.
We do have a world that worships the individual talent, but the result is this global Tower of Babel, with only some faceless bureaucracy to try tying it together.
Those who would make the best generalists are the ones interested by everything that comes along, but rather than society giving them the space and time to figure out how all the parts work together, they are diagnosed as attention deficient and medicated until their minds fit back into the box.
Reality is that dichotomy of the absolute pulling everything toward the center, while the infinite stretches everything out. Galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in.
More the yin and yang, than God Almighty.