This is a rather ambitious effort to squeeze reality into The Narrative.
Does the USA have a, "Theory of Victory" effectively different than its theories of victory applied to Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria?
Poor little Ukrainian pawns.
Government, as executive and regulatory function, is analogous to a central nervous system, while money and banking, as resource distribution function, is analogous to blood and the circulation system.
Government is inherently centripetal. Synchronizing the community into a larger social organism.
While banking, presumably distributing value effectively and harmoniously, is centrifugal. Though those controlling this system will naturally use the leverage and feedback loops to build their own wealth and power.
Humanity has evolved to the point of understanding government works best as a public utility, though not yet to understanding the same principle applies to banking. When the medium of exchange is private, we are all tenant farmers to the banks.
This gives the balance of power to the financial system, as it is not subject to the same level of oversight and doesn't have to work around election cycles. Banking is currently having its own, "Let them eat cake." moment.
Consequently government has largely been hollowed out, leaving a bunch of flunkies, grifters, prostitutes and psychopaths to fill the seats. Whose only real function is generating the public debt the banks need to function. The military industrial complex is really just the trophy wife of the banks.
While we many view money as a commodity to mine from the economy, it functions as the social contract enabling it. Blood is a medium, fat is a store. They are distinct functions.
So to store the asset side of the ledger, a debt has to be incurred. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
The Ancients devised debt jubilees as a circuit breaker, but in our intellectually fragmented world, the connections are better concealed.
So either we evolve toward forms of public banking, or we go back to private forms of government, like the Russians and Chinese have done, with Putin and Xi.