Though if it's the same light shining through all the images on the film and time is an effect, the process of reincarnation would be an attempt to interpret this relationship, between our flow of events and the dynamic from which they emerge.
Consider which is more foundational; the sequence of days, or the sun shining on a spinning planet, creating this cycle of days and nights.
Remember that our peception of reality is just these flashes of perception, like a movie camera taking a series of stills. Our minds don't see the energy directly, or it would just be a whiteout of too much information. So we are constantly seeking signals in the noise, but the noise remains context for the signals. We discard what gives what we value meaning and context.
Then we come up with explanations trying to tie these events into some larger narrative, assuming some pot of literal or fgurative gold at the end, but just keep going in circles, because the end is just punctuation.
It is being alive and aware that is the purpose. Children have no problem with just reveling in sentience, but adults are always looking for some secret, some goal, some god, some pot of gold.
The less you grasp, the further you reach and the further you reach, the less grasping has any meaning.
It can be useful for putting food in the belly, or shelter, but more is not always better.
Consider the mantra of modernity is efficiency. Which is to do more with less, so the ideal of effiency will be to do everything with nothing.
The thing is, that I don't see this in moral terms, but simply as that raw sense of awareness, seeking any route possible for expression and my experience is this thin film of consciousness is only the surface.
We just have a tendency to ignore most of it, by assuming our own uniqueness, than wonder why we are bored.