Though if the Russians only take the eastern half, build a solid border and rebuild it, most of the people will just go back to work. Remember, the Russians have the electrical transformers they have been blowing up, but the West doesn't.
While on the western side, it will be a mess. Europe is going to be hard pressed to rebuild, after having spent so much money on the war, having to pay a lot more for energy and still being run by the same sociopathic financiers, who only want to rebuild the various armies, to keep the war going. The US will probably do its usual kiss off and run out the door, taking whatever gold is left in the vaults.
The one thing they will likely have an abundance of, is tactical weaponry on the black market. The armored cars of the rich and the tactical vehicles of the police won't seem as intimidating, when the gangs have antitank weapons and machine guns.
Think Mexican cartels on steroids.