Though the powers that be seem set on fomenting civil war, to forestall the revolution.
The go forth and multiply narrative is reaching the edge of the petri dish and it is time to turn around and sort through the chaos.
God is not some ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we have fallen, but the essence of consciousness, from which we rise. That we are aware, not the details of which we are aware.
Time is not the point of the present, moving past to future, but change, turning future to past. There is no dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present. Like a tapestry being woven from threads pulled from what had been woven. What goes round, comes round. It's not just karma, it's physics.
Money is a contract between the individual and society, not a commodity to mine from society. As a medium, it is like blood, but we try to store it, like fat. The capital markets couldn't function, without the government siphoning up trillions in surplus investment money. The secret sauce of capitalism is that public debt backs private wealth. The wars are just a burn pit, so more can be borrowed.
The irony of our individualistic ethos is the atomized culture is more easily controlled by institutional authority and mediated by a predatory financial system. Eventually we will have to learn to store value in the commons, not just mine it out.
Networks, organic, social, economic, matter as much as the nodes inhabiting them.
Respect and responsibility hold society together. Fear and greed tear it apart.
The puppet show is getting way too threadbare. Write in Assange/Manning. They had the courage to look The Beast in the eye and not blink.
When the history books are written, they will be the heroes. The rest will be seen as villians or sheep.