To culture, good and bad tend to be some cosmic conflict between righteousness and evil, while in nature, it is the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of sentience.
This is because it is the function of culture to synchronize society as a larger super organism, based on the same languages, rules, measures, etc.
While nature is a bottom evolutionary process of interaction between nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems. Synchronization and harmonization.
Traditionally one's status in a tribal culture is a function of what they add. Yet humanity has, in the last 3000 years, gone to nation states of millions and now billions of people and now one's status is more a function of what they can extract.
Responsibilities versus rights.
There are various significant conceptual issues that need to be reviewed.
For one thing, Western religion is largely based on a Catholic interpretation of monotheism. The "all-knowing absolute" as supreme source of everything.
Yet to the Ancients, gods were metaphors. Ideals, memes, the basic conceptual ideas underpinning social interactions. Gods of love, war, beauty, etc.
In this context, monotheism equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god. It was essentially tribal.
Which theJewish interpretation largely remains.
Ancient Israel was a monarchy. The Big Guy Rules. Like the religion.
Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures.
The origins of the Christian Trinity go to fertility rites. The young god born in the spring, to the old sky god and the earth mother.
Though by the age of the Olympians, Zeus didn't give way to Dionysus. Tradition prevailed over renewal. The old didn't make way for the young.
So the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus proved to be a useful metaphor for this underlaying dynamic.
Though by the time Constantine adopted Christianity as the state religion of Rome, it too had started to calcify, so the monotheism was emphasized, as he brought the sides of the Empire together and buried any reminders of the Republic.
So, The Big Guy Rules.
Consequently the Catholic Church was the eschatological basis for European monarchy. Divine right of kings, as opposed to consent of the governed. Authority as the ideal.
When the West went back to popular forms of government, it required separation of church and state, basically culture and civics. Morality and law.
While the ideal of Islam is more law itself, from which the states evolve their authority. So it is much more difficult to separate the civics from the religion.
Given the West has largely defaulted to the gods of Mammon, aka, money as god and the financialization of everything is reaching its breaking point, we might need to dig back into all these various forces and how they do interact, not just what our doctrines insist.