To expand on the idea, another issue is time.
As these mobile organisms, this sentient interface our body has with its situation functions as a sequence of perceptions, so our experience of time is as the point of the present, moving past to future, while the evident reality is that change is turning future to past.
Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
There is no literal dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
Energy is "conserved," because it manifests this presence, creating time, as well as temperature, pressure, color and sound. Time is frequency, events are amplitude.
So energy goes past to future, because the patterns it generates coalesce and dissolve, go future to past. Energy drives the wave, while the fluctuations rise and fall. (Though making this point will get you cancelled in most physics discussions.)
Consciousness also goes past to future, as the perceptions, emotions and thoughts giving it form and structure go future to past. Though it is the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy and feeding the flame, while the central nervous system sorts the information. Signals from the noise. (The neurologists find this point interesting, because consciousness remains an open topic.)
Structure tends to coalesce, because it is more efficient for waves to synchronize, while the energy radiates out, distributing across space, so it harmonizes. Both entropic.
So the effect is nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems, particles and fields.
This plays out in the cycles of life, with the energies of youth, pushing out toward the future, as the structures of age and learning coalesce into the past.
As well as society, with government as executive and regulatory function, analogous to the central nervous system, pulling the social organism together, while money and banking mirror blood and the circulation system, presumably distributing and harmonizing energy and resources out across society.
The problem of the current age is that while we have evolved to the point of understanding government works best as a public utility, we have yet to understand the same principle applies to banking. When the medium enabling markets is privately held, we are all tenant farmers to the banks.
As these linear, goal oriented organisms in this cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality, markets need money to circulate, while people see it as signal to extract and store. Though medium and store are not synonymous.
Blood is a medium, fat is a store. Roads are a medium, parking lots are a store. The hallway is a medium, the hall closet is a store.
So to store the asset side of the ledger, a debt has to be created. Given banking isn't subject to the levels of oversight as government and doesn't have to work around election cycles, it has gained the upper hand, to the degree the wealthy have effectively hollowed out much of the regulatory controls of government, especially as applied to the circulations of money. Leaving a bunch of flunkies filling the roles, whose primary job is to create the debt the banks need to function. While the stock markets get the attention, much of the real money is in bonds, a lot of which is government debt.
So the secret sauce of capitalism is public debt banking private wealth.
That's why our wars are so monumentally inept, because their real function is to spend the money, so more can be borrowed.
As the old saying goes, if you want to understand, follow the money.
Since there isn't the investment potential for everyone to save individually, but we do save for many of the same reasons, the public commons would be a logical solution. The problem with that is a healthy society is based on collective responsibility, with rights as reward, but when modern society was first being imagined several centuries ago, the irresponsible were likely to starve, so the debates were largely about rights. Now the assumption is that rights are universal, while responsibility is optional, if not simply what the fall guy gets stuck with, when things go wrong. The consequence is the tragedy of the commons.
My rant about the world.