Total nothingness would be absolute zero. The unmoving void. Which is space. It is also equilibrium.
Which is implicit in Relativity, as the frame with the longest ruler and fastest clock would be closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum, through which light travels.
Nothingness also means there is nothing to provide location or boundaries to this void, so that it is also infinite.
What fills space is this dynamic we refer to as energy and the forms manifest by this energy.
Energy is what drives the wave, while the information emerges from the forms generated, the fluctuations and undulations.
As such, the energy is "conserved," because it is what is present. It creates the effect of time, as these forms rise and fall, come and go. So the process goes past to future, while the patterns generated go future to past. As tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
The passage of time is an effect of the activity. Like temperature, pressure, color, sound. Frequencies and amplitudes.
There is no literal "dimension" of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
As these biological entities, we have the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy driving us on, while the central nervous system sorts through the information precipitating out, further organizing and condensing it. Signal from the noise.
Yet it is the consciousness that goes past to future, while perception, thoughts, emotions, intuitions go future to past. So it would seem the mind is the lens and filter through which this sentience projects, not necessarily the source of it.
Galaxies are energy radiating toward infinity, while the forms generated coalesce toward equilibrium. Both entropic and diametrically opposed.
We exist somewhere between everything fading out and everything cancelling out.