Under all the political branding and tribalism are some very basic metaphysical facts.
One is that the essence of social structure requires some focus, locus, purpose, goal, ideal, creed, heroes, gravitational center, etc. to tie it together. Otherwise it will break apart and be scattered. Tower of Babel.
For the Ancients, it was their tribal god/spirit, emblematic in the heroes and kings. In our supposedly modern world, we try to formalize this as some form of document, such as the Magna Carta, or the US Constitution. As well other aspects of culture, such as music, monuments, etc.
Yet these political nodes exist in larger networks.
Like organisms and ecosystems.
So there has to be some balance between the synchronization of the node and the harmonization of the networks.
The problem is the essential paradigm of Western civilization is monotheism. That there is one universal god. Yet a god is an ideal, while the universal is the elemental.
Logically a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell.
More the light shining through and animating the film, than whatever melodrama happens to be playing out on it.
Remember that democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. The family and cycle of life as godhead. The young god, born the spring, of the old sky god and the earth mother.
Christianity arose as an amalgam of both systems, with the Trinity as icon of this renewal.
Though by the time Rome adopted it as state religion, tradition had taken precedence and what mattered was the monotheism, to validate the Empire rising from the ashes of the Republic. The Big Guy Rules.
So we have this monolithic paradigm in a dualistic reality.
In political systems, the node is represented by conservatism. The centripetal nature of tradition, religion, culture, nationalism, etc. While the networking is represented by liberalism. Cosmopolitanism, globalism, knowledge, education, social growth and expansion, etc.
So both sides have no basis to understand they are two sides of a larger coin. So the extremes on both sides offer the greatest contrast and clarity. With the most totalitarian control freaks on the right, and the most ambiguous, anything goes, moral relativists on the left.
Though life is at its most vital and healthy in the tight feedback loops in the middle, but they are too dynamic to offer simple minded clarity in times of turmoil, when emotions run high and everyone is beating their chests and throwing stones.
Obviously the Zionists are the Israeli right.