Under the culture and the politics, is the physics and biology.
Israel is an echo chamber. A feedback loop with no circuit breakers. Think microphone held up to the speaker. The shriek has gone parabolic.
Netanyahu is not a cause of this, but an effect.
The signals our minds pick out of the noise are what resonates and synchronizes with our prior knowledge, then we bond to those on similar wavelengths, in a centripetal dynamic.
So both our own sense of identity and that of the cultures to which we belong, are like rings of a tree, starting with the core, or a pearl, as layers added and polished around the original grain of sand.
Of all the various ancient tribes making up Western civilization, it was Judaism that happened to provide that grain of sand at the center.
Yet those layers added over the millennia were how each generation and stage interpreted and utilized the foundations they were given.
To the Ancients, gods were what we would call ideals, metaphors, memes, today. Those basic conceptual aspects and building blocks of societies and the world around them. Gods of love, war, seasons, nations, seas, youth, wisdom, age, etc. The origins of logical thinking.
The origins of the Christian Trinity go to fertility rites. The young god, born in the spring to the old sky god and earth mother. Though by the age of the Olympians, Zeus didn't give way to Dionysus. Tradition prevailed over renewal. Age didn't make way for youth.
Which was why the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus had such resonance across this world.
Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. The many ideas, ideals, factions, beliefs interacting.
To this world monotheism equated with monoculture. One people, one rule, one god. Ancient Israel was a monarchy. The Big Guy Rules. Like the religion.
When Constantine adopted Christianity as the state religion of Rome, he was bringing its halves together, 300 years after the fall of the Republic, so having a religion where the Big Guy Rules was quite useful. The origins of the Trinity being shrouded in the Holy Ghost, given renewal was not appreciated.
The Catholic Church became the eschatological basis for European monarchy. Divine right of kings, as opposed to consent of the governed.
When the West went back to more popular forms of government, it required separation of church and state, culture and civics.
Yet for the Jews, their concept of one god remained essentially tribal and messianic. It was not evangelical and messianic, like Christianity or Islam.
So the Maccabees and the Zealots didn't think their god should bow to any other gods, states, forces. Which caused them a lot of trouble with the Romans.
So diaspora Judaism has spent the last 2000 years looking back at their kingdom, as the grain of sand at the center of the pearl.
Now that they have it, they have the same problem the Maccabees had, that larger world. They are no longer a Bronze Age tribe, wandering in the desert, looking for that promised land.
Those 2000 years of too many shamans and not very many chieftains has left the culture with some degree of civil stuntedness, in terms of state diplomacy and general navigating that larger world. The feedback loops spiraling into that vortex in the middle don't have those networking mechanisms to give natural circuit breakers. Synchronization without harmonization. An organism at odds with its ecosystem.
Given many of their successes have come at the point of a gun, they should have been reading a little less Torah and a little more Darwin. More about the natural cycles, than shining cities on a hill.
The basic, logical problem with the conventional assumption of monotheism, is that these ideals are not absolutes.
The universal, is the elemental, so a spiritual absolute would be that essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The light shining through the film, than the stories playing out on it.
Morality is not absolute, as it could not be transgressed, if it were. Like a temperature below absolute zero.
Morals are the ideals, codes, creeds, beliefs, behaviors, relationships, etc, that enable a healthy and functional society.
Traditionally that one's status be a function of what one adds, not what one can extract. Which is why ours currently seems so necrotic.
While it might seem like a long time from our point of view, the last 3000 years, of going from those mostly tribal societies, to nation states of millions and billions of people, has been fairly short, on evolutionary terms.
Israel and the Jews were not even one of the early civilizations, but were more representative of that climb out of tribalism. Which, with its millions of years of heritage, still has a firm grasp on our societies.