We are mobile organisms, so our reality is based around going places, but how do the plants see it?
The idea is that space is three dimensional, but that reallyis just the xyz coordinate system, like longitude, latitude and altitude.
Consider that in Special Relativity, in the frame moving at the speed of light, both the clock is stopped and the ruler shrinks to zero, as any measurement would exceed C. So consider that the frame with the longest rulers and fastest clocks would be closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum. The unmoving void of absolute zero.
Then consider that without physical boundaries and defination, space is infinite.
So space is the absolute and the infinite.
What fills space is this dynamic called energy and the forms it manifests. Energy drives the waves, while the fluctuations rise and fall, creating the effect of time, as energy proceeds to the future, as the patterns recede into the past.
The energy radiates to infinity, while the forms coalesce toward equilibrium. Black holes versus black body radiation.
Synchronization is centripetal, while harmonization is centrifugal. At the center of black holes, quasars shoot out the poles and quasars are like ginormous lasers, which are composed of synchronized light waves.
Gravity is a centripetal effect, so all the excess gravity would be synchronization across the whole spectrum, not just at the denser end. Such that mass is an effect of gravity, rather than gravity a property of mass.
So these centripetal, versus centrifugal effects generate nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems. Our conscious state is not so much the body, as it is the interface between the body and its world. So we fluctuate between centripetal and centrifugal, otherwise we fall into the vortex of self obsession.
Which is a problem in this object oriented world, where we are taught of ourselves as descrete entities, rather than nodes in the network, of the social organism. The irony of this atomized view of society is that it enables institutional authority to more easily control society, as well as enable a parasitic financial system to mediate its relationships. The illusion of complete freedom enables the most basic enslavement.
Better to be a tree in the forest, than in a tree farm. Organically rising and falling, than waiting to be harvested.
A stitch between earth and sky, like we are a stitch between past and future.