We could always look at history.
What if theTaliban won?
What if we just gave Iraq to the Iranians?
Isn't the definition of stupid doing the same thing and expecting a different result?
Isn't one of the oldest strategic shibboleths not to get in a land war in Asia?
Unfortunately the adults left the room at least a generation ago and all we have left are spoiled, egotistic children playing cowboys and indians on the other side of the planet, while the country falls apart.
Debt doesn't matter.
Until it does.
When the reality check arrives, Ukraine will be shoved down the memory hole, like Afghanistan and Iraq.
It will be a bitch when they can't afford the war toys anymore.
When bread costs $50 a loaf and no one will buy treasuries, other than the Fed.
My prediction is, the helicopters will be flying off the embassy roof, before November of next year.