Well, trans humanism is surfing the wave of the fossil fueled machine culture and at the rate we are going through a few billion years of stored photosynthesis, it might well prove to be little more than sheen on a soap bubble.
Given there does seem to be the reality check from hell in the mail, while our current powers that be have little interest beyond themselves and are willing to shoot anyone who interferes, it certainly seems like an opportunity for a new vision, but at the rates things seem to be going, it might resemble the Taliban, as any force drawing society back together would have to be harder than those pulling it apart.
My own view is we need to do a much better job of understanding the is, before being able to propose any effective oughts.
Consider; Time, God and money;
We are mobile organisms, so our experience of reality is as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate. Therefore our concept of time is as the point of the present, moving past to future, but the reality is that change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
Sort of like trying to explain the heavens going east to west, before realizing it's the earth turning west to east.
Given that all societies are based on the collective narrative and even physics codifies it as measures of duration, it's evident that even our most basic concepts are not fully developed.
God; Logically a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. Ideals are not absolutes and founding an entire culture on the premise tends to make it inherently divisive.
Money is a social contract and accounting device, enabling broad social interaction, not a commodity to mine from society.
It's medium ,not a store, like blood is a medium, while fat is a store. So our entire world is subject to the vortex of compound interest, sort of like the heart telling the hands and feet they don't need so much blood and should work harder for what they do get, because those in power find it all too useful not to explore how all the various parts of society work and like to take advantage of the fact banking remains a private function, while government has evolved into a public unity. Unfortunately, when government is theoretically under the control of the people and the banks have the people by the balls, they can drain every last penny from society, rather than effectively circulating it around society. Since regulation is for sale.
Unfortunately humanity might be high tech, but our social evolution hasn't progressed nearly as far.
Our problem isn't so much that reality is too complex, but that simplicity is also quite profound. We can relate to the chicken, better than the egg.