Western culture is very object oriented, from individualism, to atomism. We see the node as primary and the network as secondary. The noun before the verb. Like a child's first words.
So consider how ridiculous this is, in terms of life.
That dimple in the middle of your stomach is literally where you popped off the vine of the larger organism. Yes, as people, one mother, but that is an evolutionary adaptation. We are all still leaves and branches of that tree.
So think of all the ways it both corrupts and sterilizes our senses and relationships, as we become ever more isolated, with our bank accounts as our effective umbilical cord.
Having grown up around more animals than people, it is a reality of vibrations, but we live in boxes and spend all our energies/vibes, trying to make them ever more solid and impermeable.
Various of my essays I go into the nature of money, that it functions as a social contract and thus public utility, like roads, but we treat it as a commodity to mine from the economy. Requiring ever more to be added and ever more metastatic ways to store what has been extracted. Aka, debt, derivatives, bubbles, etc.
Because we have made it the locus of our culture. The eye of the storm, grain of sand at the center of the pearl. The medium has become the message.
Blood is a medium fat is a store. Yet our system, capitalism, assumes them to be the same function.
I could go on. Here is an essay where I did try to cover a lot of angles;