What about the biggest conspiracy theory of all? That all this fighting between left and right is just divide and conquer by those siphoning all value out of everything and want to distract our attention?
The fact is that any society will have both liberal and conservative. Tradition and renewal. Without two sides of the coin, there is no coin. There are certainly wack jobs on both extremes.
One way to peel apart the situation is to look at the patterns.
One thing the louts we do seem to always get as political leaders are really good at, is running up the public debt.
What is the foundation of the banking system? Public debt. The fact is that money is just an entry in a ledger, so to save and store the asset side, there has to be a corresponding debt. The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
The wars are just a way to make it go away, so more can be borrowed.
The Federal debt really began to grow with the New Deal, so not only was Roosevelt putting unemployed labor back to work, but unemployed capital as well.
The World War 2 came along, as the greatest public works project in history.
If you think this just can't be, consider the monumental ineptitude of all the succeeding wars and how is it those responsible were left in charge and not taken out and shot. Possibly because it wasn't about winning wars. They were just the trouble the clowns, flunkies, grifters, prostitutes and psychopaths filling the seats got into.
Then those damn Soviets just gave up and went home. What else were we to do? What's a few buildings? Much of that office work is done by computers now, anyway.