What Einstein's theories showed was gravity causing space to collapse. Necessitating the cosmological constant, to balance it out. What Hubble found is that space between galaxies curves outward, in inverse proportion to the degree it curves into them. Basically Einstein's original cosmological constant. Omega=1.
When it it first became apparent that cosmic redshift increases proportional to distance in all directions, this created a problem with the original assumption of classic doppler effect, because it would mean we are at the exact center of the universe. Since there was nothing obviously interfering with the light and causing it to be "tired," the bright idea became that space itself must be expanding, because "spacetime!"
Which makes no sense, since the basis for spacetime was as an explanation for why the speed of light is measured as a content in any frame. If space were to relativistically expand, the speed of light would have to increase, in order to remain constant, thus negating explaining redshift.
Two metrics are being derived from the same light. One based on the speed and the other based on the spectrum. If the speed were the numerator, it would be a "tired light" theory, but since it's an "expanding space" theory, the speed is still being used as the denominator, the "ruler," against which this expansion is being judged.
The argument that BBT explains what is observed ignores the fact that Inflation, Dark Matter and Dark energy are all enormous fudge factors, to patch various gaps between theory and observation.
If the universe is infinite and redshift is an optical effect, the cosmic background radiation would be the light of ever further, infinite sources, shifted off the visible spectrum, thus black body. That it does have minute variations would be those sources just over the horizon line, of the visible part of the spectrum.
One way waves, light, sound, do shift over distance is as multi spectrum "packets," as the higher frequencies dissipate faster, but that would mean we are sampling a wave front, not observing individual photons that traveled billions of lightyears.
If this effect compounds on itself, that would explain the parabolic curve in the rate far more simply than Dark Energy.
As for Dark Matter, the assumption is that gravity is a property of mass, but it would make more sense the other way around, that mass is an intermediate effect of a centripetal dynamic that goes from the barest bending of light to the vortices at the center of galaxies. When waves synchronize, the effect is centripetal. Lasers are synchronized light waves.
It is just that as these tactile organisms, hard objects are the center of our focal point, so we put mass at the center of our physical models, like we once put earth at the center of our cosmology.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, toward infinity, as structure coalesces in, toward equilibrium.
There is no dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
Energy is "conserved," because it is this presence, creating time, temperature, pressure, color and sound. Timeis frequency, events are amplitude.
Energy goes past to future, because the forms it generates coalesce and dissolve, future to past.
Energy drives the wave, the fluctuations rise and fall. No tiny strings necessary.
Consciousness also goes past to future, while the perceptions, emotions and thoughts giving it form and structure go future to past. Though it's the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy and feeding the flame, while the central nervous system sorts the information.
So there is an intellectual tendency to focus on the patterns and dismiss the process as noise.